is to enhance and preserve the quality of neighborhood life in SouthEast Boise through citizen involvement.

Do you have a Neighborhood Concern, Grant Idea, or want to inform the Board Members, want to volunteer and help, fill out the form below.

SENA’s Regular meeting Thursday November 21st, 6pm on Zoom and in person at the Bown Library.

Bring any Neighborhood Concerns.

Regular Meetings Every 4th Thursday of the Month except in Nov. and Dec. every 3rd Thursday of the Month.

Monthly Agenda link here.

FREE Concert in the Park by the Morrison Center has picked Cypress Park! Yea for SE Boise. July 31st. Don’t miss the fun. Spread the news to all your neighbors and friends to com join the fun!

New Trees Planted on Boise Ave.

Thank you Timberline TREE Club and Girl Scouts Troop. What a great job to beautify and keep SE Boise Healthy. You’re the BEST.

SENA, Southeast Neighborhood Association, Boise ID /

SENA Officers:

President – Erik Berg

Vice President – Chrystal Allen

Treasurer – Victoria Nelson

Secretary – Mariah Fowler